========= Functions ========= Reusing the same code is required many times within a same program. Functions help us to do so. We write the things we have to do repeatedly in a function then call it where ever required. We already saw build in functions like *len()*, *divmod()*. Defining a function =================== We use *def* keyword to define a function. General syntax is like :: def functionname(params): statement1 statement2 Let us write a function which will take two integers as input and then return the sum. :: >>> def sum(a, b): ... return a + b In the second line with the *return* keyword, we are sending back the value of *a + b* to the caller. You must call it like :: >>> res = sum(234234, 34453546464) >>> res 34453780698L Remember the palindrome program we wrote in the last chapter. Let us write a function which will check if a given string is palindrome or not, then return *True* or *False*. :: #!/usr/bin/env python3 def palindrome(s): return s == s[::-1] if __name__ == '__main__': s = input("Enter a string: ") if palindrome(s): print("Yay a palindrome") else: print("Oh no, not a palindrome") Now run the code :) Local and global variables ========================== To understand local and global variables we will go through two examples. :: #!/usr/bin/env python3 def change(b): a = 90 print(a) a = 9 print("Before the function call ", a) print("inside change function", end=' ') change(a) print("After the function call ", a) The output :: $ ./local.py Before the function call 9 inside change function 90 After the function call 9 First we are assigning *9* to *a*, then calling change function, inside of that we are assigning *90* to *a* and printing *a*. After the function call we are again printing the value of *a*. When we are writing *a = 90* inside the function, it is actually creating a new variable called *a*, which is only available inside the function and will be destroyed after the function finished. So though the name is same for the variable *a* but they are different in and out side of the function. :: #!/usr/bin/env python3 def change(b): global a a = 90 print(a) a = 9 print("Before the function call ", a) print("inside change function", end=' ') change(a) print("After the function call ", a) Here by using global keyword we are telling that *a* is globally defined, so when we are changing a's value inside the function it is actually changing for the *a* outside of the function also. Default argument value ====================== In a function variables may have default argument values, that means if we don't give any value for that particular variable it will assigned automatically. :: >>> def test(a , b=-99): ... if a > b: ... return True ... else: ... return False In the above example we have written *b = -99* in the function parameter list. That means of no value for *b* is given then b's value is *-99*. This is a very simple example of default arguments. You can test the code by :: >>> test(12, 23) False >>> test(12) True .. important:: Important Remember that you can not have an argument without default argument if you already have one argument with default values before it. Like *f(a, b=90, c)* is illegal as *b* is having a default value but after that *c* is not having any default value. Also remember that default value is evaluated only once, so if you have any mutable object like list it will make a difference. See the next example :: >>> def f(a, data=[]): ... data.append(a) ... return data ... >>> print f(1) [1] >>> print f(2) [1, 2] >>> print f(3) [1, 2, 3] To avoid this you can write more idiomatic Python, like the following :: >>> def f(a, data=None): ... if data is None: ... data = [] ... data.append(a) ... return data ... >>> print f(1) [1] >>> print f(2) [2] .. note:: To understand more read `this link `_. Keyword arguments ================= :: >>> def func(a, b=5, c=10): ... print('a is', a, 'and b is', b, 'and c is', c) ... >>> func(12, 24) a is 12 and b is 24 and c is 10 >>> func(12, c = 24) a is 12 and b is 5 and c is 24 >>> func(b=12, c = 24, a = -1) a is -1 and b is 12 and c is 24 In the above example you can see we are calling the function with variable names, like *func(12, c = 24)*, by that we are assigning *24* to *c* and *b* is getting its default value. Also remember that you can not have without keyword based argument after a keyword based argument. like :: >>> def func(a, b=13, v): ... print(a, b, v) ... File "", line 1 SyntaxError: non-default argument follows default argument Keyword only argument ===================== We can also mark the arguments of function as keyword only. That way while calling the function, the user will be forced to use correct keyword for each parameter. :: >>> def hello(*, name='User'): ... print("Hello %s" % name) ... >>> hello('Kushal') Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in TypeError: hello() takes 0 positional arguments but 1 was given >>> hello(name='Kushal') Hello Kushal .. note:: To learn more please read `PEP-3102 `_. Docstrings ========== In Python we use docstrings to explain how to use the code, it will be useful in interactive mode and to create auto-documentation. Below we see an example of the docstring for a function called *longest_side*. :: #!/usr/bin/env python3 import math def longest_side(a, b): """ Function to find the length of the longest side of a right triangle. :arg a: Side a of the triangle :arg b: Side b of the triangle :return: Length of the longest side c as float """ return math.sqrt(a*a + b*b) if __name__ == '__main__': print(longest_side(4, 5)) We will learn more on docstrings in reStructuredText chapter. Higher-order function ====================== Higher-order function or a functor is a function which does at least one of the following step inside: - Takes one or more functions as argument. - Returns another function as output. In Python any function can act as higher order function. :: >>> def high(func, value): ... return func(value) ... >>> lst = high(dir, int) >>> print(lst[-3:]) ['imag', 'numerator', 'real'] >>> print(lst) .. note:: To know more read `this link `_. map function ============= `map` is a very useful higher order function in Python. It takes one function and an iterator as input and then applies the function on each value of the iterator and returns a list of results. Example:: >>> lst = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] >>> def square(num): ... "Returns the square of a given number." ... return num * num ... >>> print(map(square, lst)) [1, 4, 9, 16, 25]